I really think it seemed like a good idea at the time. Caught up in the excitement of Wil's 40@40 project, running four organized half marathons in the four-day Thanksgiving weekend, well, it just seemed like the obvious thing to do.
Plus, it will move me to 6-moon status in the Fanatics... something I have coveted for two years, since the Wishbone Run on Black Friday didn't hold a half marathon.
See, two years ago I ran the Ghost of Seattle Half on the Saturday, and the Seattle Half on the Sunday -- but still felt like a dork because there were so many Marathon Maniacs there who were doing the Quadzilla. So when it was announced that the Wishbone would offer a "HalfBone" this year, I couldn't resist.
But now it's the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and I'm feeling weak and nervous. And excited... I do love these small "ultra-type" races. Just a couple of hundred people, Coke and gummi bears at the food stations, and a very low-key vibe.
Here's what we have in store for the looooooooong weekend:

The Widdle Waddle Half Marathon.
Starts and finishes at Gas Works Park, and follows the Burke Gilman Trail as an out and back.

Grandpa's Halfbone Half Marathon.
Run on trails in Crescent Forest near Gig Harbor... this one feels like it will be the most challenging / worrisome.

The Ghost of Seattle Half Marathon.
Run on sidewalks and paved trail around Seward Park. I ran this two years ago and really enjoyed it -- a very nice, low-key run.
Sunday, November 25:

Seattle's hometown race. A weirdly hilly course, but one I do like.
You guys are crazy! Good luck on your last race this weekend!