Sunday, July 21, 2024

Christmas Banners Stitch-a-Long, part 8

Hi everybody! Last time I was feeling like there were SO MANY SEQUINS and that this was going to drag out a bit. Here's where I left off: 

I got all of the "inner" sequins done and started on the long line of sequins around the edge. And here's the thing -- they looked SO GREAT that I just kept stitching them on! Clearly, I got my groove back because...


I am so pleased with how it turned out after all. The red sequins around the edge add exactly what was missing from the earlier stages. Thanks everyone for all of your support as I struggled a little with this. 

I'm going to stay in the Christmas vibe because, well, I still have SEVERAL (yep, more than three...) Christmas kits downstairs. Next up is actually a new one: 

Yep, I'm moving into the third dimension! My husband loves gnomes, and over the years I have given him a gnome every year. Some I've made, some I've bought. This guy looks adorable and fits in with my felt-and-sequins obsession.

For our next check-in on August 11 I hope to have gotten a good start on him. I don't yet have a sense of how he goes together, so we'll see!

The other stitchers in this stitch-a-long are always working on amazingly beautiful and diverse projects. Go check out their blogs and get inspired: Avis, Claire, Gun, Christina, KathyMargaret, JackieMegan, Deborah, Sharon, Daisy, Cathie, LindaMary MargaretCindy, and Helen.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Halloween Ornaments Project, July 2024

For my June check in I hadn't finished my ornaments. Shame! Shame! But I'm happy to report that I finished two ornaments from the Prairie Schooler "Boo to You" booklet: 

But that's JUNE. For July I made up another pattern from the 2023 Halloween special issue of Cross Stitch magazine: Midnight Meeting. 

I stitched the cats on white Aida -- as called for in the pattern -- and thought it looked a little bland: 

So then I overdyed it with the "ice dye" method -- so much nicer!

So I made it into what feels a little oversized as an ornament, but will definitely find a home on my Halloween tree: 

Next month I'm going to do something a little different -- I saw this "kit" at a local store and thought it seemed like a good addition to my tree: 

I plan on staining him black and adding a little silvery color. I know this won't take long, but it will be nice to have a little break, maybe?

I'll be back on August 13 to share my finished ornament and my next project pick.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Christmas Banners Stitch-a-Long, part 7

Hi everybody! How can it have been three weeks?!?! Last time I had finished the critter embroidery and was set to start on the sequins. And there are a LOT of sequins. But here's where I was last time: 

I started the sequins on the bow on the top of the piece, followed by the letters, but realized I would be happier getting the rest of the "interior" sequins done before doing all the ones around the edge. So here's where I am now: 

I still have some green sequins on the tree as well as some "sparkle" embroidery on the tree to do, and then some red sequins on Santa's suit. But I did all the white sequins! When I look at the "before" and "after" photos they don't look very different, sadly, but in person there's some pretty good bling going on already. 

I wish I could get more of the sparkle effect, but here's a closeup of the lettering: 

For next time I hope to have the sequins added about halfway around the perimeter. I'm hoping I get into a groove and it doesn't take quite so long! 

The other stitchers in this stitch-a-long are always working on amazingly beautiful and diverse projects. Go check out their blogs and get inspired! Avis, Claire, Gun, Christina, KathyMargaret, JackieMegan, Deborah, Sharon, Daisy, Cathie, LindaMary MargaretCindy, and a warm (belated!) welcome back to Helen!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Halloween Ornaments Project, June 2024

Well this is embarrassing. This is the first time in almost two years that I haven't completed the project I set out to do!

Having made two of the ornaments from this booklet (the ghost and the skeleton, of course) in May, I decided to make two more.  

But somehow I ran out of time and didn't complete them. The stitching is done, but I haven't actually "made them up". Here's the most shameful part: the hardest part about completing them will be getting to where I stored the felt I use on the back! 

Next month -- besides finishing these two ornaments! -- I plan on stitching another piece from the 2023 Halloween special issue. (Seriously, I look forward to the new edition each year.)

I didn't bring the issue with me, but here's a shot of the cover and I've circled the project I want to do -- it's called Midnight Meeting. 

You may recognize other projects I've done! (And now I'm thinking about that cute 3D witch's hat in the foreground...

I'll be back on July 13 to share my finished ornaments and my next project pick.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Christmas Banners Stitch-a-Long, part 6

Hi everybody -- I'm writing this early and pre-scheduling it because I'll be traveling on the day of this check in. But here's where I was last time, having just appliquéd all the animals: 

This left me feeling somehow stressed about doing the embroidery on the animals -- I've never been particularly good at free-form work. (Even in such small bits!) 

But I decided that I just needed to make a start -- which, of course, is always the thing to do. So here's where I am now: 

No, I'm not sure why I cut off the top of the banner in the picture. :). But I have embroidered all the details on the critters!

Obligatory raccoon close-up: 

When I'm back from my trip I will start on the sequins. You can see from the close-up that there are a LOT of sequins on this piece. But I'm hoping to have at least the ones on Santa, his bag, and the tree done. 

The other stitchers in this stitch-a-long are always working on amazingly beautiful and diverse projects. Go check out their blogs and get inspired! Avis, Claire, Gun, Christina, KathyMargaret, JackieMegan, Deborah, Sharon, Daisy, Cathie, LindaMary Margaret, and Cindy.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Independence Half Marathon Series day 4: Sussex, New Jersey

After a lovely day off in Gettysburg it was time to pick up state 47, New Jersey. This time I got the full Mainly Marathons experience -- heard the course talk, 

...celebrated some achievements... 

... and got the day's news. I'm sorry to report that the tater tot scramble was not vegetarian, because I would have snarfed a lot of that down. 

This was another mellow race for me -- just 6 laps on a nicely paved course through the woods. The day was glorious, and the shade meant it was never too hot. Bliss!

Got to chat with Wanda again; someone asked her if she was going to be at the NY race the next day, and she replied, "What else am I gonna be doing?" #retirementgoals

Here she is ringing the Loony bell: 

Back and forth, back and forth I went, stopping for a snack and a hello to the volunteers each time: 

And then, suddenly, I was done!

I got a little cleaned up (I had checked out of my room before the race) and went up to the monument at the High Point of New Jersey: 

There's a lovely view from up there of Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. 

And a lot of wind, too.

I left and drove and drove across Pennsylvania to a little town called Ohiopyle ... really a staging spot for my Frank Lloyd Wright house tours the next day. But that night I sat on my balcony and updated my jacket because I had just run state 47!

Independence Half Marathon Series, Day 4: Sussex, New Jersey


State 47!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Independence Half Marathon Series day 2: Elkton, Maryland

After finishing state 25 and visiting Winterthur I got a fantastic vegetarian burger and settled into my hotel room to put my feet up and relax. 

And at 10:00pm my phone pinged VERY LOUDLY with this: 

Ummmm. My knowledge of tornadoes comes from A) The Wizard of Oz, B) Twister, and C) the trailer for Twisters. I turned on the television ("check media") and saw this: 

and then this -- note that I was in a top floor, corner hotel room with essentially a large glass wall next to the bed. 

I could hear the storm raging outside, so I got my wallet, my phone and a charger, and a bottle of water and walked down to the lobby. There were three teenagers there excitedly standing in the door looking outside. And no one else. I didn't know what to do. In the end, I waited in a windowless conference room on the ground floor until 11 COMPLETELY ALONE and then I went back upstairs and obsessively watched the news and weather channels. 

I wondered if the race would happen -- their site said that they had rarely cancelled races due to weather because they are small and on loop courses and they can usually shelter people if needed. Then I wondered if I would be able to get to the race location. News was reporting trees down and widespread flooding. 

After a very fitful night with little sleep I got up early and decided to drive to the starting area. Turns out roads were fine, and completely empty, so I got there about 5:15 (oops). Rather than cool my heels until the 6am start, I decided to just jump in late to the early start and get started. 

This is what it looks like when you start a small race late:

No one. 

No one at all... wait, are those people in the mist???

This course had some paved stretches, then a very well groomed stretch through the trees. It was so humid -- yes, even at 5:30am -- that there was a heavy mist. 

Then the course headed uphill and the paths had been really damaged by the storm -- lots of ruts and big rocks. I heard that the blind runner pulled out during his first lap because it was too dangerous for him. 

After the uphill there were some ups and downs, all on a wide but damaged path. I finally started seeing some of the other runners.

Then, happily, RED CONE. 

This course had 6 laps for the half marathon -- my FAVORITE. Why? Because I'm a math nerd and you get a lot of excellent fractions throughout the race. 1/12, 1/6, 1/4, 1/3, 5/12, 1/2, 7/12, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 11/12, DONE!

The day got nicer, but stayed hot. The stretch through the trees was my favorite. 

The long uphill less so. 

But I just kept plodding along, even though I knew that my feet were wet from the puddles and swollen a bit from the running... and I knew that I would lose a toenail. Ewww. 

Run a lap, get a rubber band...

...say hello to the volunteers...

...and get some snacks and a drink...

Finally, I was done and rang the Looney Bell: 

With my late start I was recorded as extra slow, but that's okay. I was extra slow myself during this race. When I was done I went back to the hotel, had a quick shower, and then checked out and drove west to Gettysburg. Later that night I would update my jacket because I had just run in state #46!

Independence Race Series day 2: Elkton, Maryland

3:40:33 (yikes!)

State 46