
Friday, October 9, 2020

Wrapping up my last 101 things in 1001 days project... and starting a new one

In January 2018 I kicked off my second 101 things in 1001 days project -- a long enough time to complete biggish projects, but short enough to mean the clock is ticking. My first one wasn't a huge success; even with giving myself an extra 180 days I only completed 43 out of 101 tasks. 

My second one was more successful -- though I still only completed 56 out of 101 tasks. I did well in my "Blogginess" (9/11) and "Craftactular" (25/33) categories; did so-so in my "Adventure Time" (5/9), "Always Be Learning" (6/12), "Bookish" (5/10) and "House Proud" (4/10), but dismal in the important but not very fun "GOHIO" (2/8) and "Fitnecessity" (0/8) categories. Lots of room for improvement. 

I decided that I wanted to kick off a new round sooner rather than later -- and rather than wait until January rolls around, I'm kicking it off tomorrow. I don't even have the full 101 things list yet -- so completing that will be one of the tasks. 

Some -- hey, a lot -- of tasks rolled over, especially the difficult "adulting" ones like make our wills, make our advanced directives, and such. And I've adapted the fitness-related ones to reflect the new reality... and give myself more of a chance of completing them. There are lots of new crafts, lots of new things to learn, and new books to read -- some leftover Darwin, finally finishing Macaulay, darn it, and I want to go through and re-read Orwell. Sigh. You can read the whole new list here.

I'll try to be better about progress reports on a quarterly basis:

250 days : June 17, 2021

500 days : February 22, 2022

750 days : October 30, 2022

1001 days : July 8, 2023

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