
Thursday, January 31, 2019

January OMG - The 2019 Temperature Project

In January I decided to start off slowly on my 2019 temperature project... and, well, I did. Start slowly, that is! My stated "One Monthly Goal" was to "really get going", to get the canvas in a frame, and get stitching.

Well, technically I've succeeded, though without actually achieving anything.

I have attached the canvas to a frame and stitched the year -- that's it.

Part of this is because my other big needlepoint project -- which I am really enjoying -- has taught me that I love the texture of a different stitch ... and that stitching borders around the different squares would really add interest to what has started out as a relatively boring design. Why boring? Well, here in Seattle our temperatures have been so moderate that so far only TWO colors have been called for. That will make for a pretty bland piece.

Let's be clear: I am NOT complaining that we're having a mild winter! For everyone affected by the Polar Vortex, stay warm and safe!

I decided to order some black wool to stitch into some sort of raised border between the frames, but then balked at paying for shipping. However yesterday I got a 25% off code from Herrschners which essentially gave me free shipping -- so the new wool is on the way!

So, not huge success, but a slow start. Thanks for Elm Street Quilts for the inspiration! You can check out the other crafters and their January project progress here:

Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal - January Finish Link-up

Here's looking forward to more progress in February!


  1. I can't wait to see this as you keep sewing - it will be so cool! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

    1. Thanks Patty! I'm hoping to really get moving in February.

  2. I like the font you chose for the year. The beginning of February promises to have a bit more variety in temperatures.

  3. This will be fun to watch Sunny!

    1. I'm really struggling to get moving on this -- hopefully having the outline wool will make me feel more like settling down.

  4. I've seen this sort of thing done in patchwork but never in needlework. What a great idea! I especially like your idea of using a variety of stitches. That at least would break up the monotonous color pattern. ;-)

    1. At least the weather over the last day or so means there's another color to add!

  5. I think no matter what you do with this it will be a wonderful array of your colours. I’m sure there will be a few different days to change things up!
