
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tanzania Tuesday #8

In the late 1990s Tanzania developed and published their "Development Vision 2025" -- an ambitious plan to lift the country out of poverty and move from being one of the world's least developed countries to being one of the middle-income countries. The vision targeted five main attributes:

  • High quality livelihood
  • Peace, stability, and unity
  • Good governance
  • A well-educated and learning society
  • A competitive economy capable of producing sustainable growth and shared benefits
The Tanzania development Vision 2025 seeks to realize patriotism, nationalism and to strengthen national cohesion of all the people in society, taking into consideration current environment in the economic, political and other relevant factors. The national cohesion will be realized only when the implementation of the Development Vision entails equal opportunities for participation of all the people and the same opportunities extended to all people for the enjoyment of the fruits of its achievements. The formulation of the Development Vision 2025 has been realized through a national consensus which involved extensive consultations with the various groups in Tanzania society in the form of workshops, interviews, meetings, etc. It is emphasised that the Development vision's implementation be equally participatory. For it is only through such a participatory process that the Development Vision will acquire a people-centred and people-driven character which is the main foundation for obtaining the people's genuine commitment towards ensuring the realisation of their goals.

Source: Tanzania Development Vision 2025,

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