
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

8 down, 4 to go...

Went out to my car this morning in much finer weather than on Monday -- and discovered a tiny hitchhiker on my windshield. He'd apparently been on the car a while, as evidenced by his slime trail, all over my windshield and up the side of the car. Well, either that or he was super duper FAST. ("Look at that S-Car go!")

I gently took him off the windshield and dropped him into the grass, then headed out to boot camp. My arms already feel like lead -- lots of arm and shoulder work today. Oof. 

I realized the other day that I never posted a picture of my necklace. I bought it a few months ago from I Declare Charms. It took me a while to decide what I wanted the necklace to say. I didn't want it to be too obviously running-related, but I did want it to at least feel a little inspirational. When I hit on KEEP MOVING FORWARD, I realized it was perfect.

Tomorrow I am working at the Seattle Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Expo -- last year I worked the set-up day, but then realized that I needed to go back another time to pick up my packet. So this year I decided to be more practical and volunteer for a time when the expo was open. Of course, that means having to deal with the people... and you know how much I hate the people....

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