
Thursday, April 24, 2008

playing catchup

Another busy week, workwise -- but at least this week I made sure to plan ahead and fit all of my workouts in. (So far!)

Monday after work I came home and rode my bike on the trainer for 45 minutes, which made me feel okay. I still have some funny creaky noise to work out, but we'll get there.

Then Tuesday while Wil went to the ball game, I went out for a run in the neighborhood. I think I really need to plan my runs better -- I felt like I was just meandering, running up and down streets with little clear plan, feeling bored and alternating between running too quickly and running too slowly. Clearly I need Wil to serve as my pacemaker! Ended the run feeling tired, extremely sore in my right hip, and a little dispirited.

Wednesday morning I went for my weekly swim; at some point I decided that I should practice my breast stroke. In last year's Chelanman, I found the swim leg scary and I had a hard time staying calm and just swimming steadily -- so I switched from freestyle to breast stroke during the race. But I never practice it. Maybe practicing it will make me faster... and maybe I'll also feel calmer and braver about my freestyle in this year's races.

Then today I knew I had a work dinner, so I brought my workout gear to the office and ran on the fitness center treadmill before work. I had foolishly forgotten my badge, so I was really dependent upon the kindness of strangers. First I tried to sweettalk the guard into activating the gym function on the temporary badge. No go. Then I went into the locker room, where I asked a total stranger to let me in to the gym. She kindly did. Then, after my run, I got the very last towel in the gym... but a woman also offered me a clean towel from her bag in case there weren't any towels left. Phew!

The run didn't go super well this morning -- I felt really tired and sluggish, which was strange because I had gone to bed super early last night and slept for nearly 8 hours. But then I realized that we ate dinner absurdly early, so I hadn't eaten in nearly 14 hours. Spent much of the day feeling tired, actually. But, still, a bad run is probably better than no run at all.

Wil was a superstar and ran home from work today!!! So proud of him!

As the deejay said on my drive home tonight, we're nearly at the weekend. I'm really looking forward to this one!

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